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Message from Sheriff

 Sheriff KC Hamp

As the holiday season approaches, I want to take this time to reflect on the events of this year and acknowledge our staff for their contributions to our success.  I believe we have some of the most dedicated administrative staff, deputies and civilian staff in the history of our office.  I want to take the time thank each and every one of them for their hard work and encourage you to do the same when you see them.

We have had several successes this year that I am very proud of as well. Some of these include:


* The award of a $75K grant presented by the Mississippi Office of Homeland Security, on behalf of the Mississippi Department of Public Safety.  Portions of these funds have been utilized to purchase Laptops for the DUI Officers and tactical equipment for the Emergency Response Team. These funds will be used to improve our readiness to respond to a wide variety of threats and crisis.

* The award of the Victim of Crime Act Sub-grant (VOCA). This grant provides direct care services to victims of Domestic Violence.  This grant was administrated by the US Department of Justice.

*88K awarded for the DUI Grant.  This grant pays the salary of 2 full-time Officers and funding for equipment and promotional items.

* We have also implemented the SADD Program (Students against Destructive Decisions). This programs target students in grades 7th – 12th to promote positive decision making in the areas of Drinking and Driving, Texting and Driving, Bullying, and a number of other life choices.

I would also like to acknowledge our community for their tremendous support and efforts in helping make Tunica County as safer place to live and raise a family.

I greatly appreciate your input, assistance and happy to know our website is so important to so many of you.

I look forward to the holiday season and what the New Year will hold for us.  My commitment to the citizens of this County remains strong and I will continue to work with you to improve the quality of life for each of you.

Sheriff K.C. Hamp

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