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Merry Christmas


safety tips

Take care of family, friends and neighbors

Taking care of others means not only reporting suspicious activity to help make our communities safer, but also to be aware of special needs that people in the community may have. We hope holidays are joyous, but for many people they are not.  Some people may be struggling with mental health crises and being able to refer people to the best resources can make a difference.  Visit for more information.

Stay Alert to Your Surroundings

Being aware of potential threats means being alert to things that seem suspicious and avoiding situations that may place you or your family in unsafe situations.  It also means making wise decisions.  Park in well-lit areas, shop with friends if possible (safety in numbers), protect valuables you may have on your person or vehicle, know your children's whereabouts, and beware of con artists.

Stay Alert to Fraud - Online, Landline, and Mobile Devices

Use safe practices to keep your personal information safe. Scammers spoof phone numbers, websites, and emails trying to make their fraudulent activities appear legitimate.  They also use they holidays as a time to target people's goodwill giving.  For online shopping, make sure you are at a legitimate webpage with a secure padlock in the web browser's address bar and that purchase information is encrypted or secured. Never use unsecure wireless networks to make purchases. Never give your personal information or credit card information to someone you did not initiate contact with over the phone.

Keep Your Vehicles and Home Safe

Lock your windows and doors and don't leave keys or valuables in sight.  If you are away from home, use lights and timers to make it appear someone is home and keep blinds closed from prying eyes.  Have a trusted friend or neighbor help keep an eye on your home. Arrange for someone to be at home to accept deliveries so they are not left at your door or mailbox. 

Watch Weather and Advise Someone of Your Plans When Traveling and Enjoying Recreation

Whether traveling by vehicle or enjoying some outdoor recreation, being aware of road conditions and weather are extremely important. Always have appropriate clothing, food, water, blankets and other gear for quickly changing weather conditions.  Be aware that some map programs do not always account for closed or impassable roads, so make sure you know alternative routes where services are readily available.  Always let someone know your location and travel plans.

Drive Responsibly

Alcohol and drugs impair your driving abilities.  Please remember if you plan to consume alcohol, to any degree, prearrange for a non-drinking driver. If you witness what you believe to be impaired driving, dial 911 and report it immediately. Also, put down that cell phone or other driving distractions. If you need to talk on the phone, safely pull over and stop your vehicle.

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