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Happy Easter


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We know the end of the Easter story, of course. We celebrate it every year, dressing in our Sunday best and teaching how Christ's followers discovered that the tomb was empty. God made the real definitive move. Jesus was alive! It's easy to view the Resurrection as good news for yesteryear, a mere milestone of our faith. But Calvary is power for victorious living today.
Although defeated, Satan still hopes to take us down with him. He prowls about, hoping to devour us and destroy our faith (1 Peter 5:8). Today we reflect on what Christ's death and resurrection have already accomplished for us.
-Evidence of God's Love
How often do you say, "I love you!" to your loved ones? Maybe it was just this morning, part of the farewell you tossed out as someone left the house. However it happens, you recognize that these words are not the only evidence of your love. We understand love when proclamation is backed by demonstration.
We understand love through action. Thankfully, God isn't just about talk. He lovingly provides for our needs and lends us His wisdom and direction every day. But the real evidence came at Calvary when God laid everything on the line to demonstrate His love. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
-Proof of Forgiveness
We all can understand a few economic principles. When we go shopping for something, we must pay for it. And when we pay, we get a receipt. This receipt validates the purchase. If there is ever a question about the item, the receipt proves that payment was made.
According to Scripture, Christ's resurrection serves as a sort of "receipt" from God to prove that our sins are forgiven. When we confess our sin and ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, salvation itself is already secure.
Issuing a receipt was actually God's idea. Romans 4:25 says, "[He] was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification." The Resurrection is God's proof that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient payment for our sins.
This side of heaven, we will always deal with the consequences of sin, every day, but the eternal bill has been paid.
-Restoration of Relationship
We often conclude prayers with "In Jesus' name." It's easy for it to become a reflex, a little tagline at the end of prayer. But the expression is a good opportunity to remember that Christ's death and resurrection grants us a relationship with God.
Scripture says that Jesus stands before the Father as our advocate (1 John 2:1). Why do we need this representation? Because sin has broken our fellowship with God. And Satan is constantly bringing these transgressions before God, knowing His holiness is incompatible with our sin (Revelation 12:10). Satan wants God to reject us.
Imagine a courtroom, with Satan pacing before God, laying out sins as evidence against us. Now imagine Jesus stepping forward: "Father, I object. I have already paid for these transgressions at the Cross. The defendant is one of those I have redeemed and restored."
When you pray "in Jesus' name," remember that this isn't just a cute catchphrase. You are saying, "God, I come to You and lay these requests before You. But since I'm not qualified, I come under the righteousness of Your Son."
-Victory for the Future
The only power Satan has over us is what we give him. He knows he is a defeated enemy, crushed at the Cross and the empty tomb of Christ.
There will always be temptations to sin. But Jesus has endured it all - temptation without failure, punishment without cause. The Devil's fire can't harm us as long as we are standing firm in Jesus.
This Easter, remain close to Jesus, to His Word and His teachings. Satan has no countermove to stop what God has already done.
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